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Primateria AB: Scaling Up and Protecting IP - Teaching Note
作者姓名:Torsten Doering, Olle Wanstrand
出版日期:2022/04/13內容長度:14 頁

Teaching note for product W24938.

Primateria AB: Scaling Up and Protecting IP
作者姓名:Torsten Doering, Olle Wanstrand
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:W24938
出版日期:2022/04/13內容長度:12 頁

Swedish technology start-up Primateria AB (Primateria) was founded in November of 2004 with the main idea to provide science-backed consulting services for cutting-tool producers and end-users. What had started as a consulting service without the need for assets turned quickly into a production-driven service to support the cutting tool supply chain. The company had managed to consistently grow without external capital, had automated processes, opened .....more